Living Here
Dog and cat owners reminded about due date for animal registration

Dog and cat owners have until Monday 7 November 2022 to pay their animal registration renewal notice and are also being reminded of the rules surrounding microchipping.
It is a Queensland Government requirement that dogs and cats, aged 12 weeks and over, must be registered and microchipped with the microchip details provided and updated with your local council.
Effective from 2020, Gladstone Regional Council will follow up on all registrations where the animal is not microchipped and born after April 2009, unless written evidence is provided from a veterinarian stating that microchipping would place the animal’s health at risk or is a Council approved working dog. Fines will apply if animals are not microchipped.
This is also the third year where GRC will not issue tags for renewal registration, but they can be reissued if lost or damaged, with the first replacement tag free of charge.
Animal owners have until Monday 7 November 2022 to pay their registration with discounts available depending on if the animal has been desexed and/or microchipped.
Council has included the standard registration due date of the 31 October 2022 on the top right side of the animal registration notice, as this is the standard registration period end date.
However, you will notice in the ‘pay by’ section on the bottom of the notice that Council has extended this year’s due date by one week to 7 November 2022 to allow for any postage delays.
A pensioner discount is available for pet owners that hold a current Centrelink Queensland Pensioner Concession Card, a Veteran Affairs Gold Card or a Veteran Affairs Pensioner Concession Card – please call Council or visit our website if you have further questions surrounding eligibility.
Gladstone Region Councillor Chris Cameron said that desexing and microchipping was the best way to save money on registration.
“Council’s animal registration fee structure includes incentives for responsible pet owners that have desexed or microchipped their pet,” Cr Cameron said.
“Microchipping your pet will reduce your animals’ annual registration by up to $17 per annum, however, if you desex and microchip your pet you can save up to $80 per annum.”
Please visit for further information on animal registration or call 4970 0700.
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