Economic Development
Economy & Industry
Strategic Priorities
New Industry Enquiries
Social Infrastructure Investment Priorities
Gladstone Region Economic Transition Roadmap 2022-2032
Work in the Gladstone Region
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Economy & Industry
The Gladstone Region is varied and diverse in its economic base, making the region one of the most resilient in Queensland, if not Australia.
The natural attributes of the Gladstone Harbour have driven the development of world-class industries in immediate proximity to Gladstone. Not stopping there, the region offers much more, from a thriving eco-tourism industry centred around the islands of the Southern Great Barrier Reef, the attractive holiday destinations of Agnes Water to the south and rural hinterland to the west, to thriving beef and macadamia nut industries.
The Growing the Gladstone Region: Report and Recommendations to Inform the Gladstone Region Economic Development Strategy 2021-2025, A Framework for Promoting Prosperity, informs Gladstone Regional Council’s five-year plan to support the vibrancy, diversity, resilience and sustainability of the communities of the Gladstone Region. An evidenced-based report, it informs and guides the Gladstone Region towards economic prosperity in the context of a dynamic and transforming broader economic landscape.
Gladstone Region Economic Development Strategy 2021-2025 Report and Recommendations
Strategic Priorities
Gladstone Regional Council’s role in driving meaningful advocacy and influencing decision makers is crucial to future-proofing our region.
The 2024/25 Strategic Priorities aim to encourage engagement and/or investment from all levels of Government, including the Opposition, industry, investors and other key stakeholders.
Council has identified strategic infrastructure and policy initiatives that ensure our region continues to be the industrial powerhouse and emerging renewables epicentre that supports the State and National economy.
The 2024/25 Strategic Priorities are:
- Renewable Energy and the Transitioning Economy
- Health
- Housing
- Skills Development and Retention
- Regional Water Supply and Wastewater Infrastructure
- Waste
- Establishing the Royal Australian Navy Fleet Base North – Port of Gladstone
- Gladstone Heavy Vehicle and Oversize Overmass Load Transport Corridor
- Inland Rail Extension to the Port of Gladstone
- Boyne Tannum Aquatic Recreation Centre (BTARC)
- Harvey Road Sports and Events Precinct
- Harbour Arbour.
The region boasts a diverse regional economy, a natural deep-water port, highly skilled workforce, strong local supply chain, a significant amount of available land within the Gladstone State Development Area and a range of leisure, lifestyle and living opportunities.
Council is committed to maturing its advocacy program and approach, ensuring our region remains well positioned for continued growth and represents an attractive investment destination, now and into the future.
In addition to advocating for Council’s Strategic Priorities, Council regularly advocates for change that will improve the liveability of our communities. Undertaking advocacy is Council’s opportunity to influence State and Federal policies, legislations and programs to achieve the best outcomes for the Gladstone Region and the residents that call it home. Council takes the role of advocating for the region seriously and has a current focus on:
A Local Housing Action Plan has also been developed through a joint initiative involving the Queensland Government, Gladstone Regional Council and the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), to respond to a range of immediate, emerging and longer-term housing challenges in the Gladstone Region.
Council also attends and prepares annual motions for the:
- Australian Local Government Association’s (ALGA) National General Assembly
- Local Government Association of Queensland’s (LGAQ) Annual Conference.
Council submitted the below three motions to the 2024 National General Assembly of Local Government (NGA) as part of our commitment to passionately advocate on behalf of the communities we serve. All motions were passed by delegates and became resolutions of the 2024 NGA and have been forwarded onto relevant federal ministers seeking a response.
- The National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to ensure that emergency management and resilience initiatives are fit for purpose and meeting community needs by:
- Mandating input on all funding applications from emergency and disaster management committees or groups relevant to each state, with a reasonable review timeframe allowed, to ensure genuine community benefit and avoid duplication and;
- Providing long-term funding for resilience roles and projects.
- The National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to reinstate or replace the National Rental Affordability Scheme (NRAS) funding.
- The National General Assembly calls on the Australian Government to address skills shortages and regional retention challenges by;
- Reviewing incentive allocations to make working and living regionally more attractive.
- Adequately incentivising critical workers to live in regional areas and;
- Supporting local government efforts through funding, to improve regional liveability factors.
At the 2024 LGAQ Annual Conference in Brisbane, Council submitted the below two motions for debate and consideration. Both motions were carried.
- The LGAQ calls on the State Government to:
- Undertake an urgent investigation into the current state of play of kerbside commingled recycling within Regional Queensland including an Options Assessment and a Funded Regional Commingled Recycling Infrastructure Plan based on the preferred option; and
- Invest in long-term, sustainable recovery and recycling processing solutions to service regional areas.
- The LGAQ calls on the State Government to provide clarity on the pathway to statewide Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) implementation, by addressing local government questions relating to end markets, PFAS data and limits, regulations, costs and viability of services.
Gladstone Regional Council 2025 Australian Federal Election Advocacy
Council has identified four priorities and is calling on commitments from candidates to fund and fill the gaps and play their part in growing the Gladstone Region. Read more here
New Industry Enquiries
To support the 10-Year Gladstone Region Economic Transition Roadmap, Council has a process in place to facilitate open and transparent communication between Council and major industry proponents looking to invest in our region.
The process applies to projects in the Gladstone Region where the Co-ordinator Generals Office is/will be the Assessment Manager of the development. It will enable the proponent to work though their project in various stages, to help identify what Council infrastructure is available, potential future conditions Council may impose on the development and where applicable, formalise an in-principle agreement with Council for project assurance.
Industry Enquiries Process
The Early Industry Enquiries stage is for project proponents considering investment in the Gladstone Region, interested in discussing their project and obtaining preliminary advice from Council.
Advice Provided includes:
- Future application requirements
- Availability of Infrastructure
- Water
- Sewer
- Stormwater
- Trade Waste
- Transport
- Land Ownership
- Community Engagement
The Industry Agreement Pre-lodgement Meeting stage is designed to provide proponents with detailed advice on their project, prior to commencing an agreement.
Advice Provided includes:
- Agreement Type required
- Legal Term Sheet Template
- Types of Technical reports required, and essential details needed in reports
- Preliminary review of technical reports if available
Note: This is not to be used if the Council is the Assessment Manager under the Planning Act 2016, please refer to the Development Applications Pre-lodgement Meeting.
Social Infrastructure Investment Priorities
The Social Infrastructure Investment Priorities (SIIP) publication supports Council’s drive to ensure communities are well understood; with programs, resources, social infrastructure and services in place to strengthen the Gladstone Region during the major economic transition.
The publication has been developed to enable, inform and guide future planning and investment, supporting project proponents to make informed decisions and meaningfully invest in the region’s social needs.
Key focus areas have been identified to guide targeted investment ensuring it is channelled where it is needed most to meet the needs the community have now and the needs that are anticipated to arise in the future due to growth.
The key focus areas include:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Education, Employment and Training
- Early Childhood
- Safety and Security
- Ageing in Place
- Housing
- Community Facilities and Services
- Enabling Infrastructure.
Social Infrastructure Investment Priorities
Gladstone Region Economic Transition Roadmap 2022-2032
In an Australian first, Gladstone Regional Council has launched its 10-year economic transition roadmap to support and guide the region to becoming a renewable energy superpower.
The roadmap will see this community in prime position to respond to once-in-a-generation changes in the energy sector.
Developed in partnership with regional economic development agency, The Next Economy, the detailed plan is a result of two years of research and extensive engagement involving 220 community, government and industry stakeholders.
Economic Transition Roadmap 10-Year Roadmap 2022-2032 Summary Report
One year on
One year on from the Economic Transition Roadmap launch on 15 November 2022, the detailed plan for the Gladstone Region has been well received locally, nationally and internationally. Council is now working through the actions to achieve a positive outcome for the community. Read more here.
Work in the Gladstone Region
The Gladstone Region offers dynamic career opportunities across diverse industries, catering to a range of skills and ambitions. Whether you're advancing your career or seeking work-life balance, Gladstone's industrial strength, innovative energy projects, and bustling service sectors make it a fantastic place to work and live.
Meet Kristy who relocated from Southeast Queensland for work to follow her passion for renewable energy and its future in the Gladstone Region.
Considering a move to the Gladstone Region? Visit
Gladstone Regional Council
Connect. Innovate. Diversify.
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(07) 4970 0700
Opening Hours
8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday
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Postal Address
PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680
Council Offices
101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680
3 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680
41 Blomfield Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677
Cnr Wyndham & Hayes Avenues, Boyne Island Qld 4680
Rural Transaction Centres
71 Springs Road, Agnes Water Qld 4677
47 Raglan Street, Mount Larcom Qld 4695
Footer Acknowledgement
Gladstone Regional Council would like to acknowledge the Bailai, the Gurang, the Gooreng Gooreng and the Taribelang Bunda people who are the traditional custodians of this land. Gladstone Regional Council would also like to pay respect to Elders both past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Learn more about Council's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
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