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- Feral Animals
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Landfill Bin and Waste Disposal
Gladstone Region has 14 Waste Facilities including one Landfill in Benaraby available to residents for proper waste and recycling disposal. Council is dedicated to maximising and improving recycling and resource recovery rates in the region.
To support the efforts of the State and Federal government the Gladstone Regional Council Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy provides a clear strategic direction and action plan for Council until 2029.
With a focus to reduce, reuse and recycle the plan outlines our waste management priorities and targets.
Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy Queensland Government Waste Reduction
Waste Disposal
Frequently Asked Questions
Litter and illegally dumped rubbish ruins our built and natural environment and endangers our waterways, wildlife and public health. Some simple ways to keep it clean:
- Hold onto your rubbish until you can put it in a bin
- Take larger items to a transfer station or landfill
- Participate in community clean ups and events
- If you see litter, pick it up and put it in a bin
- Report littering from vehicles and vessels, and illegally dumped rubbish.
Take a minute to think before you buy. This simple action can lead to more sustainable choices.
- Where possible, buy quality goods that will last or that are easy to repair
- Choose products with little or no packaging, like loose fruit and vegetables as opposed to pre-packaged
- Choose goods made from recycled materials or with a high level of recycled material in them
- Take action and tell retailers how you would like things to change.
By asking yourself if you really need something you are already looking for more sustainable options. The more items we reuse, the more energy we save and less precious resources end up in our landfill.
- Avoid disposable items altogether like opting for bubbles over balloons at events, or asking for no straw with your drink
- Choose reusable over disposable items particularly single-use items such as plates, cutlery, bags, drink bottles and coffee cups
- Fix the products you have, instead of buying replacements
- Choose products with reusable packaging
- Use old glass jars for storage or upcycle household items
- Donate your quality goods to charity, or buy and sell second hand goods to keep them in use
- Take action and tell businesses how you would like things to change.
Nearly half of the average waste in a household bin is organic waste (green waste and food waste) with food waste alone costing households more than $2,500 a year. Planning your meals ands preparing a shopping list can save time and money and prevent food waste as well. For more information check out the Love Food Hate Waste web page.
Remember to save and sort your load
Council recommends residents sort general waste, green organic waste and recycling before heading to a landfill site to save money and time. It will also assist Council operators to appropriately assess and calculate any charges correctly.
Domestic asbestos
✔ Council will accept up to 10 square meters, or under 175kg, of material containing asbestos from property owners or owner-builders (from within the Gladstone Region) free of charge, at both the Gladstone Transfer Station and the Benaraby Landfill. Property owners and owner-builders must complete a Disposal Conditions and Application Form to be eligible. This form can be presented upon arrival at the Landfill Stations. Acceptance is subject to availability at Gladstone Transfer Station – contact Council. to confirm availability.
Commercial asbestos
✔ The Benaraby Landfill, only, will accept asbestos weighing over 250 kg. This service is not available at any other Transfer Station in the area. Commercial operators must complete the Application for Disposal at Benaraby Landfill form and email to Benaraby Landfill. Applicants are required to wait for an acceptance notification to be received from Council prior to attending site to disposal. Accepted disposals can be completed between 8am and 4pm, 7 days a week. A minimum charge will apply for quantities under one tonne. A per tonne fee will apply for quantities over one tonne. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
✔ Car bodies are only accepted at Benaraby Landfill. All liquids/oils must be drained. Disposal is free of charge.
✘ Green organics must NOT be disposed of in your general waste and recycling bins.
✔ Green organic waste can be dropped off at any of our Waste Facilities. From 21 October 2024, there will be a green organic waste fee per load. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
If your home only produces a small amount of green waste, mulching or home composting could be the answer for your green organics. Mulching can help your garden retain moisture, reduce watering, and build soil structure.
✔ Domestic cylinders up to 9kg can be accepted at Landfill and Transfer Stations for a fee. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
✘ Cylinders over 9kg are not accepted.
✘ Oxyacetylene cylinders are not accepted and should be returned to:
BOC Gas & Gear
9 Red Rover Road
Gladstone Qld 4680
Phone: (07) 4972 2533
✔ Spring mattresses can be disposed of at our Transfer Stations with a fee due to disassembling charges. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
However, disassembled mattresses (i.e. steel and wool/foam separated) are free.
✘ Council does not accept mercury at any landfill or transfer station. This includes thermometers containing mercury.
Please contact a contractor for collection by visiting the Recycling Near You website.
✔ You can take your domestic waste paint and packaging to our Paintback sites at either Benaraby Landfill or Gladstone Transfer Station for free.
There is a maximum of 100 litres stowed in up to 20 litre containers per visit.
✔ Scrap metal (e.g. rainwater tanks, hot water systems) is free for disposal for domestic loads.
✘ Commercial loads may be sold directly to metal recyclers.
It is important to dispose of sharps safely to keep yourself, and your community, safe. If you need help please call Queensland Health - Needle Clean Up Hotline on 1800 633 353 (24 hour service).
✘ Council does not accept sharps at any landfill or transfer station.
✔ Council provides sharps disposal bins in all public toilets.
✔ Sharps disposal bins are available in the Council locations listed below, during office hours.
- Gladstone Office
- Calliope Office
- Boyne Tannum Community Centre
- Mount Larcom Rural Transaction Centre
Disposal of syringes outside of hours should be undertaken at the Gladstone District Hospital.
✘ Commercial and Business operators must engage their own licensed waste contractor to discard.
✔ Solar panels can be dropped off at our transfer stations for a fee. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
✔ Timber can be disposed of free by domestic residents, if it is considered clean.
✔ Kitchen cupboards, bench tops, and stained and/or laminated chipboard are not considered clean wood, therefore a fee will be charged. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
✔ Domestic and commercial tyres of various diameter can be disposed off at our Transfer Stations at a minimum cost depending upon their size. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
✘ Waste oil must not go into the general or recycle wheelie bins.
✔ Small quantities of waste engine oil and cooking oils can be disposed of at all sites at no charge.
Oil drums must not be over 20 litres and must not contain any kitty litter.
✔ Disposal of selected white goods (ovens, washing machines, etc) is free,
✔ Disposal of air conditioners/fridges and freezers (domestic) is subject to a fee due to de-gas charges. Refer to Council's Fees & Charges for the current fees.
Council advises that the refrigerant in old fridges or freezers should be recovered by a licensed technician, to avoid the escape of the material into the atmosphere, contributing to global warming.
Household waste that cannot be disposed at our Waste Management Facilities
The following items will NOT be accepted at Council’s Waste Management Facilities. This is necessary to fulfill our obligations to protect the environment and provide a safe place of work for our employees and visitors.
Prohibited items sent to any of the Council sites, may result in the associated costs for their removal/disposal being passed onto you.
If you have any of these items to dispose of, please seek direction from the Gatehouse Attendant.
Living Here
- Pets and Animals
- Residents
- Report
- Environment
- BackEnvironment
- Air Quality
- Biodiversity
- Biosecurity
- Blue-green algae blooms
- Bushfire Mitigation
- Coasts and Coastal Vegetation
- CoastSnap
- Conservation Programs and Initiatives
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Feral Animals
- First Nations Fire and Land Officer
- Landfill Gas Abatement
- Mosquitoes
- Pests and Weeds
- Weed Spray Equipment Hire
- Wildlife
- Community Development
- Community Investment
- Services
- Emergencies