Living Here
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- Blue-green algae blooms
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- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Feral Animals
- First Nations Fire and Land Officer
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- Weed Spray Equipment Hire
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Overgrown and Unsightly Premises
Overgrown premises
Unsightly premises
How does Council deal with overgrown and unsightly premises?
An overgrown or unsightly property can be both a nuisance and a danger to neighbours and the community. Residents have a responsibility to keep their properties including vacant, residential and commercial properties, neat and tidy to improve the appearance for our community.
This may involve removing potential places that attract reptiles and preparing their home and yard for storm season.
Overgrown premises
Gladstone Regional Council defines 'overgrown' as vegetation (grass) that seriously affects the visual amenity of the allotment and/or is likely to attract or harbour reptiles. Overgrown land may cause various problems, including:
- Creating a visual eyesore
- Impeding the public access to footpaths and streets
- Becoming a breeding ground or a resting place for reptiles
- Obstructing traffic control devices and posing a safety hazard to pedestrians and drivers.
Unsightly premises
Gladstone Regional Council defines 'unsightly' as objects or materials that are brought on to, or allowed to accumulate on, an allotment causing its visual amenity to be seriously affected. Unsightly objects may include:
- Discarded or disused machinery or machinery parts.
- Broken-down or severely rusted vehicles.
- Discarded bottles, containers or packaging.
- Refuse or scrap material.
Here are a few tips on how to maintain the appearance of your home and yard:
- Store goods out of sight in your garage or shed
- Put your rubbish out weekly. Take advantage of Council’s kerbside collection service for general waste and recycling. You can also dispose of green organic waste at your local waste transfer station. Council charges a green organic waste drop-off fee based on a user-pays model to balance costs. The green organic waste dropped off is broken down into mulch and offered free for domestic customers at various sites and times throughout the year.
- Store objects or materials out of view and neatly stacked but ensure they do not attract or harbour reptiles.
- Dispose of old vehicles and machinery - some metal recyclers may collect and remove these free of charge
- Cut or slash overgrown vegetation regularly and dispose of it responsibly, for example, in an appropriate compost bin
- Organise for someone to come and maintain your yard if you are going away for a period of time or the premises is vacant.
How does Council deal with overgrown and unsightly premises?
Council regulates a range of potential nuisances relating to overgrown and unsightly conditions on private property under its Local Law No 3 – Community and Environmental Management 2011.
If we receive a complaint about an overgrown or unsightly property, we will commence an investigation which may include:
- The premises will be inspected
- Council will provide notice to the landowner to remedy the breach
- If the breach is not remedied, Council will issue an Enter and Clear Notice to appropriately treat the overgrown or unsightly premises (at the property owner's expense)
Please note additional penalties may apply to the landowner for non-compliance.
Council may investigate a fire hazard in accordance with the Local Laws. The following factors will be considered when making a decision if a fire hazard exists:
- The nature of the hazard (accumulation of grass clippings, build-up of flammable materials, etc)
- Was the hazard created by a person?
- Does the location pose a risk to persons or properties?
Please note a fire hazard does not include natural vegetation. Council has no jurisdiction in relation to enforcing fire breaks. Enquiries on fire breaks should be referred to the Queensland Fire Department (13 74 68) to determine any action required in conjunction with the property owner under Section 69 of the Fire and Emergency Services Act 1990.
Living Here
- Pets and Animals
- Residents
- Report
- Environment
- BackEnvironment
- Air Quality
- Biodiversity
- Biosecurity
- Blue-green algae blooms
- Bushfire Mitigation
- Coasts and Coastal Vegetation
- CoastSnap
- Conservation Programs and Initiatives
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Feral Animals
- First Nations Fire and Land Officer
- Landfill Gas Abatement
- Mosquitoes
- Pests and Weeds
- Weed Spray Equipment Hire
- Wildlife
- Community Development
- Community Investment
- Services
- Emergencies

You can request to repair or replace your wheelie bin via our Online Services platform.
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Report all non-urgent gravel road repairs (corrugations/stones/ruts/dust) via Online Services
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Get in Touch
(07) 4970 0700
Opening Hours
8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday
Social media
Postal Address
PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680
Council Offices
101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680
3 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680
41 Blomfield Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677
Cnr Wyndham & Hayes Avenues, Boyne Island Qld 4680
Rural Transaction Centres
71 Springs Road, Agnes Water Qld 4677
47 Raglan Street, Mount Larcom Qld 4695
Footer Acknowledgement
Gladstone Regional Council would like to acknowledge the Bailai, the Gurang, the Gooreng Gooreng and the Taribelang Bunda people who are the traditional custodians of this land. Gladstone Regional Council would also like to pay respect to Elders both past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Learn more about Council's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
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