Living Here
- Pets and Animals
- Residents
- Report
- Environment
- BackEnvironment
- Air Quality
- Biodiversity
- Biosecurity
- Blue-green algae blooms
- Bushfire Mitigation
- Coasts and Coastal Vegetation
- CoastSnap
- Conservation Programs and Initiatives
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Feral Animals
- First Nations Fire and Land Officer
- Landfill Gas Abatement
- Mosquitoes
- Pests and Weeds
- Weed Spray Equipment Hire
- Wildlife
- Community Development
- Community Investment
- Services
- Emergencies
Community Investment Program
Community Development Funding
Event funding - the Community Celebration Fund
Other funding opportunities
Previously successful applicants
Upcoming events funded by the Community Investment Program
Gladstone Regional Council is proud to support community education, events, connection, inclusion and the enhancement of the Gladstone Region via its Community Investment Program.
The Community Investment Program enables Council to:
- Empower our communities to identify and respond to local areas of need;
- Partner with organisations to deliver shared outcomes;
- Activate community participation amongst residents;
- Build capacity within community sector; and
- Contribute to the development of local students and sportspersons.
Council offers various funding streams for groups and organisations seeking funding assistance in the form of donations, sponsorships and/or grants.
To view funding rounds and to apply for any of the below funding, visit
Community Development Funding
Applicants to Grassroots, Elevator and Strategic project grants must align to the following funding objectives.
These funding objectives align to Councils Community Development Strategy which aims to strengthen and enhance the health and wellbeing of the region:
- Capacity - aims to foster community led collaboration and partnerships, initiatives, programs and projects that help communities develop their own solutions to local areas of need. Initiatives and activities under this objective will generally strengthen and build the skills, knowledge, and capacity of community members and groups which can then be applied and shared.
- Place - aims to foster the development of accessible, fulfilling, and engaging places and spaces for community. This will be achieved through supporting the delivery of community led Initiatives, projects and activities that activate Council controlled or community owned and operated facilities, parks and open spaces.
- Connect - aims to foster community led initiatives and projects that strengthen relationships, community connection, civic participation and understanding across all sectors of the community.
- Wellbeing - aims to foster healthy, safe, and supported communities through the delivery of community led partnerships, programs, activities, and resources that promote healthy lifestyles, positive wellbeing, and safe communities.
- Planning - aims to foster and support the development of programs, plans and strategies that strengthen the community’s ability to deliver well planned and sustainable organisations, facilities and activities across the region.
Through the Grassroots Fund applicants can request funding up to $10,000 to strengthen their community or organisations to develop and/or deliver initiatives, programs, or projects that meet one of the Grassroots Fund objectives.
- Applicants can apply up to a maximum of $10,000 (excluding GST)
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
The Elevator Fund is intended for higher cost, higher risk proposals between $10,000 to $30,000, which will involve a more detailed application and acquittal process than the Grassroots Fund. Applicants will need to demonstrate a high level of competency, capacity and planning capability to deliver the stated outcomes for Elevator proposals.
- Applicant’s proposals will have to align with one or more of the five Elevator Fund Objectives.
- Applicants can apply for funding between $10,000 to $30,000 (excluding GST)
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
The purpose of the Strategic Projects Fund is to strengthen not for profit organisations through the provision of financial support to upgrade existing or build new facilities where the organisation has suitable land tenure as defined in the supporting guidelines.
- Projects must align to one of the funding Objectives.
- Applicants can apply up to a maximum of $100,000 (excluding GST)
- Applicationts must be able to make a 20% co-contribution to the project.
- Applicants must attend an information session to be eligible to apply.
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Event funding - the Community Celebration Fund
The Community Celebration Fund enables the development and delivery of initiatives and projects that facilitate community connection through events. Applications should demonstrate the event’s alignment to the following objectives:
- Drives Social and Community outcomes, including community pride and cohesion
- Destination enhances the profile and appeal of the Gladstone Region
- Demonstrates Financial Sustainability
- Demonstrates Environmental Sustainability and environmental care
- Economic Impact generates economic activity in the Gladstone Region
- Attracts Overnight Visitation specifically generating overnight visitor expenditure.
Applications will be considered under the following event categories and may include a cash component and/or an in-kind contribution.
Support for community led events that are run by community organisations for broad public benefit.
- Applicants can apply all year round but must submit application eight (8) weeks prior to the event.
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Support for events that attract up to 2,500 participants and contribute to community pride, social outcomes and regional economy.
- Applications must be received no less than 12 weeks prior to the event.
- Applicants can apply up to a maximum of $10,000 (excluding GST).
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Support for events that demonstrate tourism and regional economy benefits by attracting 2,500 to 5,000 participants, with 10% out-of-region visitor attendance.
- Applicants can apply up to a maximum of $25,000 (excluding GST)
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Support for events that are well established, well designed, and clearly demonstrate return on investment through building community pride, return visitation, increase regional profile, and generate economic stimulus. Events attract over 5,000 participants, with 15% out-of-region visitor attendance.
- Applicants can apply up to a maximum of $50,000 (excluding GST)
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Support for events that drive the primary criteria of destination profile, economic impact and overnight visitor expenditure. Attracting visitors that invest in the region and target over 25% out-of-region visitor attendance.
- Applicants can apply all year round but must submit application six months prior to the event.
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Other funding opportunities
The purpose of this Fund is to provide Gladstone Regional Council area educational institutions with funding to recognise and reward excellence in the areas of academic success, attitude, attendance and community contributions. Council liaises directly with educational institutions to manage this fund.
- Primary $200
- Secondary $500
- Combined (primary/secondary) $500
- Technical College $500
- CQ University Gladstone $500
- CQU TAFE Gladstone $500
Col Brown Memorial Award
The purpose of this Fund is to recognise excellence and achievement for a local apprentice or trainee engaged through Apprentices and Trainees Queensland. Annually, Council will provide $1,000 directly to Apprentices and Trainees Queensland to administer and decide the award.
CQ University Gladstone Campus Scholarships
The purpose of these Scholarships is to encourage Gladstone Regional Council area students to remain in the Region and further their education at a CQ University Gladstone Campus with the objective of strengthening the future regional workforce. Seven scholarships of $2,000 will be awarded annually to one Year 12 student from each of the seven participating regional secondary schools to contribute to the cost of studying on a CQ University Gladstone Campus. Funds will be provided directly to CQ University to administer and award the scholarships.
Charity Waste Waiver
The waiver aims to assist charitable organisations that accept pre-loved household belongings from the burden of having to process and dispose of general waste deposited at their facilities.
- Funding applications accepted all year round.
- There is no acquittal process required following approved applications.
- There is no maximum amount.
- Funds credited to Charity debtor account to be used at Council Waste facilities.
Waste Donation
The donation aims to assist organisations and first nations groups that coordinate non-commercial litter clean up from foreshores and land owned, managed, leased, or under the control of Council, or as approved otherwise by Council.
- Funding applications accepted all year round.
- There is no acquittal process required following approved applications.
- There is no maximum amount.
- Funds credited to Charity debtor account to be used at Council Waste facilities.
Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
Through the Community Donations Fund applicants can request funding up to $1500 to support initiatives that contribute positively to the community that may not align with other funding streams within the Community Investment Policy.
This fund supports the sustainable delivery of community, cultural, sporting and environmental initiatives that demonstrate direct benefit to the Gladstone Region local government area.
Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
The Community Hall Funding provides support by means of a financial donation to assist local organisations who own, lease, or manage a Community Hall within the Council area with operating costs.
- Applicants can apply up to a maximum of $2000 (excluding GST).
- Funding applications accepted all year round.
- This is a donation; no acquittal process is required following approved applications.
- Before starting an application, please read the Guidelines.
To view all current and upcoming fund information, visit
Apply Now Fundseeker Toolkit Community Investment Policy Funding Guidelines
For further information please contact the Community Engagement team on (07) 4976 6300 or email
Previously successful applicants
Successful applicants 2024-2025
Successful applicants 2023-2024
Successful applicants 2022-2023
Upcoming events funded by the Community Investment Program
Thu 17 Apr - Sun 20 Apr 2025
10am, Fri Apr 18, 2025
Fri 18-Sat 19 April 2025
Held on the Queensland May Day Long Weekend annually.
8.30am-3pm, Tuesday 13 May 2025
Invite your Friends, Family and Allies from across the the country to celebrate at th
6-8 Jun, 2025
Saturday 8am-11pm. Buy tickets online.
Sunday 8am-4pm, Buy tickets online.
7am-5pm Sat 19 Jul 2025
10am-3pm Thu 31 Jul
Sunday 24 August, 2025
29-31 August 2025
4-5 Oct 2025 (TBC)
Living Here
- Pets and Animals
- Residents
- Report
- Environment
- BackEnvironment
- Air Quality
- Biodiversity
- Biosecurity
- Blue-green algae blooms
- Bushfire Mitigation
- Coasts and Coastal Vegetation
- CoastSnap
- Conservation Programs and Initiatives
- Erosion and Sediment Control
- Feral Animals
- First Nations Fire and Land Officer
- Landfill Gas Abatement
- Mosquitoes
- Pests and Weeds
- Weed Spray Equipment Hire
- Wildlife
- Community Development
- Community Investment
- Services
- Emergencies

Is your group or organisation looking for funding? The Community Investment Program has a range of funding on offer 2024/25.
Check eligibility and funding datesGladstone Regional Council
Connect. Innovate. Diversify.
Get in Touch
(07) 4970 0700
Opening Hours
8.30am - 5pm Monday to Friday
Social media
Postal Address
PO Box 29, Gladstone Qld 4680
Council Offices
101 Goondoon Street, Gladstone Qld 4680
3 Don Cameron Drive, Calliope Qld 4680
41 Blomfield Street, Miriam Vale Qld 4677
Cnr Wyndham & Hayes Avenues, Boyne Island Qld 4680
Rural Transaction Centres
71 Springs Road, Agnes Water Qld 4677
47 Raglan Street, Mount Larcom Qld 4695
Footer Acknowledgement
Gladstone Regional Council would like to acknowledge the Bailai, the Gurang, the Gooreng Gooreng and the Taribelang Bunda people who are the traditional custodians of this land. Gladstone Regional Council would also like to pay respect to Elders both past, present and emerging, and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Learn more about Council's Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
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