Living Here
Landowners encouraged to attend Giant Rat’s Tail Grass community forum

A community forum will be held later this month to present the results of a multi-year research project on Giant Rat’s Tail (GRT) grass.
Over the past five years, the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) has conducted research to establish best practice for removing GRT grass from rural properties including effective herbicides and techniques.
Gladstone Regional Council has collaborated with DAF to establish research sites throughout the Gladstone Region while also facilitating GRT field days to provide local landowners research updates to improve pest management of their land.
Gladstone Region Councillor and Capricorn Pest Management Group committee member Chris Cameron said the upcoming community forum will be held at Miriam Vale Community Centre (41 Blomfield Street) between 1pm-5pm on Thursday 21 July.
“The community forum will be presented by Wayne Vogler, Principal Scientist at the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries and lead researcher on the project,” Councillor Cameron said.
“The forum will cover common infestation scenarios, ecology, effective herbicides, use of fire and pasture management.
“RSVPs are required by Monday 18 July, so please call Council on 4970 0700 or visit our website to secure your place.”
Event Details
WHAT: Giant Rat’s Tail Grass – Community Forum
WHEN: Thursday, 21 July 2022
WHERE: Miriam Vale Community Centre (41 Blomfield Street)
RSVP: Register online. Alternatively, call Council on 4970 0700.
RSVPs due by Monday 18 July.
Light refreshments provided.
See Also