Living Here
Neighbours can become good friends by joining the region’s biggest picnic

Neighbours becoming good friends is just one of many reasons to be involved in Neighbour Day 2022 on Sunday 27 March.
Neighbour Day is an annual event that encourages community connectedness and provides support for the most vulnerable in our community.
This year, Gladstone Regional Council and the Gladstone Neighbourhood Centre are proud to partner with Relationships Australia (Qld) to support this initiative.
The theme for Neighbour Day in 2022 is Connecting Communities and becoming involved is easy – simply register online to host a driveway picnic and connect with your neighbours in what is set to be the Gladstone Region’s biggest picnic!
Each registration will receive a participation pack, and if you register by Monday 21 March, you’ll go into the draw to win one of 10 picnic packs.
Gladstone Region Councillor Chris Cameron encouraged residents to join the fun and upload a photo or video with your neighbour of the picnic and share it on Council’s Conversations page.
“Neighbours who take a picnic photo or video and submit it to the Conversations website will go into the draw to win one of 10 platters,” Councillor Cameron said.
“Those platters can be used to continue connections with your neighbours by hosting another picnic at a later date.”
Cr Cameron said remaining connected with our neighbours has never been more important.
“Recently, due to extreme weather events and the COVID-19 pandemic, we have seen neighbours stepping up and supporting each other in times of need,” Cr Cameron said.
“In many cases, this has required great effort, however people have adapted to stay connected and found creative ways to reach out and connect with their neighbours.
“The people we consider our neighbours has also changed – it may not be the person living next door to you – it could be someone in your street, the wider community or a work colleague.
“Loneliness and social isolation continue to affect the health and wellbeing of Australians, so Council is hoping that by supporting this initiative we can assist in turning that tide.”
Visit and click on the 2022 Neighbour Day icon to register.
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