Living Here
Disaster Ready Fund a win for councils vulnerable to natural disasters
Gladstone Region Council will position itself to apply for funding as part of the Australian
Government’s $1 billion Disaster Ready Fund (DRF).
DRF Round Three will invest $200 million in projects that support Australian communities to manage the physical, economic and social impacts of future floods, cyclones, bushfires, storm surges and other natural hazards.
Works that deliver enduring benefits for communities are a particular focus this year, with $138 million earmarked for infrastructure projects.
Mayor Matt Burnett said Gladstone Regional Council will apply to access funding within the Disaster Ready Fund.
“The Disaster Ready Fund is great news for councils across the country and in Queensland, but particularly here in Gladstone,” Mayor Burnett said.
“We’ve seen our fair share of disasters, mostly in the south around Baffle Creek, Rosedale and Lowmead who experience flooding and fires.
“This funding allows us to install infrastructure such as bigger culverts, so we won’t see the same road flood twice due to the installation of a similar sized culvert.
“I know our southern residents have seen too many floods over the years and I’m looking forward to submitting applications and the Australian Government supporting them.”
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