Living Here
Council to host Free Microchipping Day for cats and dogs

Gladstone Regional Council is hosting a Free Microchipping Day for cats and dogs on Saturday 17 June at the Council’s Pound Facility.
A Council-authorised Microchip Implanter Trainee will be implanting the microchips under direct supervision of a registered veterinarian practitioner and a practiced qualified authorised implanter.
WHAT: Free Microchipping Day
WHEN: Saturday 17 June, 8.30am to 5pm
WHERE: Gladstone Regional Council Pound Facility, 17 Albert Street, Callemondah.
- All animals must be eight weeks old and over
- Bookings are essential. Call Council on 4970 0700 or visit your nearest Office or Rural Transaction Centre to secure your place
- Each booking is a 15-minute session available from 8.30am, last slot at 4.45pm
- Only one person per animal must attend the appointment
- For the safety of people and other pets, animals must be restrained on a leash or in a cage.
See Also