Living Here
NEMA funding is put to good use

Council recently welcomed representatives from the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) who were visiting the region to profile projects funded by the federal body.
It was an early start to the day with the NEMA crew joining our Environment and Conservation team at the Gladstone Winery Trail Circuit to learn more about Council’s Cultural Burn and Land Management Program.
While they were there, they witnessed a planned cultural burn conducted by Council’s First Nations Fire Officer, Michael Willmot.
NEMA provided Council with $354,000 towards our First Nations Fire Officer role and Cultural Burn and Land Management Program through the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants Program.
In addition, they have also contributed significant funds towards enhanced technology and connectivity of the Local Disaster Coordination Centre ($314,000) and $1.7M towards upgrades to the Miriam Vale Community Centre.
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