‘Collective Delivery’ flows throughout Council’s 2021/22 Annual Report

Gladstone Regional Council’s 2021/22 Annual Report has been formally adopted after being tabled at Tuesday’s (15 November) General Council Meeting.
A legislative requirement under the Local Government Act 2009, the Annual Report informs the community on our performance over the past year against the deliverables outlined in our 2021- 2026 Corporate Plan and 2022/23 Operational Plan and Budget.
It also features stories and highlights on Council’s core service delivery to our community.
Gladstone Regional Council Acting Chief Executive Officer Carly Quinn said the theme for the 2021/22 Annual Report is ‘Collective Delivery’.
“Collective delivery is about working together to meet our community’s needs, create efficiencies and improve service delivery,” Ms Quinn said.
“This report reflects on 12 months of Council decision making and provides an opportunity to share with our community our achievements and challenges from the past financial year, while also providing transparent reporting of our overall performance.”
Ms Quinn said it was humbling to see the many ways in which Council’s collective effort demonstrated resilience and continued delivery for our region.
“It was wonderful to begin the financial year by celebrating the opening and operationalisation of the Philip Street Communities and Families Precinct,” she said.
“I am incredibly proud of our people and how together, their efforts have strengthened our community and social services system while delivering an award-winning, purpose-built facility.
“I was also pleased to see the completion of Council’s Lessee Service Model, an initiative to make it easier for our lessees to access the services they need to effectively manage their facilities.
“However, most importantly, I am proud of our people who continue to deliver not only for the organisation, but for the entire Gladstone Region.”
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett also cited the opening of the Philip Street Communities and Families Precinct as one of several examples of collective delivery.
“There’s no better example of collective delivery than what has been achieved at the Philip Street Communities and Families Precinct since it opened to the public,” Councillor Burnett said.
“The road to opening the Precinct was a long but rewarding journey that saw Council work closely with other levels of government, and organisations such as The Salvation Army and Gladstone Area Promotion and Development Limited.”
Cr Burnett added that in addition to Council funding a $50.5M capital infrastructure program, 2021/22 was a financial year full of investment announcements designed to power the Gladstone Region forward.
“From hydrogen pilot plants, manufacturing facilities, a high-purity alumina plant and pumped hydropower, to funding commitments for the Boyne Tannum Aquatic Recreation Centre, the Inland Rail business case and the upgrade of the Drynan Drive intersection at Calliope, there was no lack of investment in our region during 2021/22,” he said.
“Council also engaged the services and worked with The Next Economy to gather feedback from community, government, industry and other stakeholder groups in order to guide us on what is required to adapt to a changing energy sector and to support our region over the next ten years.”
Cr Burnett also acknowledged Deputy Mayor Kahn Goodluck for filling the position of Acting Mayor while he took a leave of absence during the 2022 Federal Election campaign.
“I also want to thank my fellow Councillors, CEO Leisa Dowling, and the Executive Leadership Team for their leadership during this time,” he said.
“I am thoroughly looking forward to what Council can achieve during 2022/23, based off the hard work, dedication and collective delivery on display during 2021/22.”
Visit www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/plans-reports to read Gladstone Regional Council’s 2021/22 Annual Report. Full financial statements including the Community Financial Report can be found in the document.
Visit https://bit.ly/AnnualReport60secs to view Council’s 2021/22 Annual Report in 60 seconds.
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