Residents reminded of Gladstone Region Public Holiday date

Gladstone Regional Council (GRC) would like to remind residents that the 2022 Gladstone Region Public Holiday will fall on Monday 8 August.
This date aligns with the region’s preference to see their public holiday fall either side of a weekend, as indicated in a 2018 community survey where 75 per cent of participants indicted this as their preferred option.
The public holiday also aligns with the Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) that is being held from 6-14 August.
The Queensland Government has a gazetted list of show holiday dates with many Local Government Areas also recognising 8 August as their show holiday date.
GRC offices, Rural Transaction Centres, Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum, Gladstone Regional Libraries, Gladstone Community and Neighbourhood Centre and Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre (GECC) (including Box Office) will be closed, reopening on Tuesday 9 August.
Tondoon Botanic Gardens, Benaraby Landfill and waste transfer stations will remain open. Bin collection will take place as per a normal Monday.
Residents will still be able to access all of Council’s online services, including the GECC website.
The 2023 Gladstone Region Public Holiday is set to fall on Monday, 14 August 2023.
Visit www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/show-holiday for more information on show holiday dates.
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