Do you share their view? Have your say in online survey about ‘Energising the Future Economy of the Gladstone Region’

Locals across the Gladstone Region are invited to participate in an online survey to share their thoughts on the future changes to the energy sector.
The survey content has been generated following a series of in-depth community and industry forums involving people from across the region.
Acting Gladstone Region Mayor Kahn Goodluck says Council would like to know if other residents share these views.
“Council recognises that the unfolding changes in the energy sector pose both challenges and opportunities for the Gladstone Region and people working in industry,” Councillor Goodluck said.
“This online survey is part of our joint initiative with The Next Economy - Energising the Gladstone Region Future Economy.
“Feedback from community, government, industry and other stakeholder groups will guide us on what is required to adapt to a changing energy sector and to support our region over the next 10 years.”
The Energising the Gladstone Region’s Future Economy consultation process has so far involved two face-to-face full day community forums in Agnes Water and Gladstone, plus an Online workshop, a First Nations forum and Workers forum.
Industry consultations have included two Energy workshops and a Hydrogen workshop, with two more scheduled for later in April. Participant feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.
Cr Goodluck said as the project progresses, this online survey was another chance for people to have their say on how they want to see these energy changes managed, especially around jobs and opportunity across the community, so the Gladstone regional economy is prosperous into the future.
If you would like to hear more about the changes in the energy sector, you can find a recording of a presentation from one of the forums here:
The online survey will be open between 14 April and 15 May 2022 and can be accessed by visiting and clicking on the Energising the Gladstone Region Future Economy heading.
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