Beat the boredom at one of Council’s School Holiday Program activities

Gladstone Regional Council’s School Holiday Program returns for the September break with no shortage of activities on offer for our region’s young people.
The School Holiday Program kicks off on Friday 17 September and will run until Saturday 2 October.
Council facilities including Tondoon Botanic Gardens, Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre, Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum and Gladstone Regional Libraries will host events.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said Council’s School Holiday Program activities range from arts and crafts, movies, gardening, robotics, outdoor adventures and much more.
“The two weeks of activities will encourage kids to explore, create and play during the upcoming September school holidays,” Councillor Burnett said.
“Kids can explore the region one day, create a masterpiece or unleash their imagination on the next day.
“All but one of the School Holiday Program activities are free so I would encourage parents to check out Council’s website to see what events their child or children would like to attend.”
Please visit www.gladstone.qld.gov.au/school-holidays for a full list of School Holiday Program activities and events including times, age categories and booking details.
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