Cast and crew for 2022 Combined Schools Musical is beginning to take shape

The creative team has been chosen for the highly anticipated performance of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as the 2022 Combined Schools Musical.
Inspired by the classic children’s novel by Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will feature everything from Oompa-Loompas to golden tickets.
Performances will take place at Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre (GECC) from Monday 7 March until Sunday 19 March 2022.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said the 2022 Combined Schools Musical creative team will be led by director Josh Kearney, who previously directed Shrek the Musical in 2018.
“In addition to Shrek the Musical, Josh was involved in the 2021 production of Legally Blonde the Musical as assistant stage manager and was stage manager for Anything Goes in 2019,” Cr Burnett said.
“To complement the appointment of Josh, Kate Shannon will be the musical director with Jeannine Butler onboard as stage manager, as well as vocal coach Robyn Addison, choreographers Bobbie McIntyre and Jamie-lee Allen, and assistant director Emily Newman.”
Cr Burnett said about 160 students from 18 schools attended auditions held last month with 69 children cast.
“We have students and teachers involved in the production from schools as far north as Mount Larcom State School to as far south as Miriam Vale State School and everywhere in between,” he said.
“There’s always a great deal of enthusiasm from students who participate in Combined Schools Musical’s and this tends to rub off on the creative team as well.”
Schools involved at the 2022 Combined Schools Musical will include: Boyne Island State School, Calliope State High School, Calliope State School, Chanel College, Clinton State School, Gladstone Central School, Gladstone State High School, Gladstone South State School, Gladstone West State School, Kin Kora, Miriam Vale State School, Mount Larcom State School, St Francis Catholic Primary School, St John the Baptist Catholic Primary School, Star of the Sea Catholic Primary School, Tannum Sands State High School, Tannum Sands State School, Toolooa State High School and Trinity College.
Tickets to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory will go on sale later this year. Visit https://gladstoneentertainment.com/combined-schools-musical for more information.
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