Learn from the best at Acoustic Guitar Spectacular’s weekend of free live music

It’s time to dust off your guitar and find that plectrum stowed away in your top draw because the Acoustic Guitar Spectacular is returning to Gladstone and Agnes Water next month.
There are two ways to get involved – sit back and watch the experts in action at one of two free performances or try your hand at several workshops hosted by three internationally recognised acoustic guitarists Michael Fix, Sam Shepherd and Minnie Marks.
Shows take place on Friday 4 August (GECC) and Saturday 5 August (Agnes Water Community Centre), both commencing at 7.30pm.
Workshops will take place prior to each show at a cost of $15 per person, restricted to limited numbers.
The Acoustic Guitar Spectacular is hosted by critically acclaimed Brisbane guitarist Michael Fix, with fellow Queenslanders Minnie Marks and Sam Shepherd joining him on-stage and in workshops.
Minnie Marks has been described as one of the finest young guitar players in the country, while Sam Shepherd is an award-winning guitarist who has a unique playing style that draws from a wide range of influences.
If you want to learn from the experts, visit www.gladstoneentertainment.com and secure your place today!
Acoustic Guitar Spectacular is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland, Gladstone Regional Council and Gladstone Entertainment Convention Centre.