Community Services Directory
Gladstone Women's Health Centre & Gladstone Region Sexual Assault Centre
South Gladstone
General Counselling: The centre has a number of professional counsellors available to provide free individual counselling to women 15 years and over.
Sexual Assault Counselling, Gladstone Region: Offers free counselling support and information for women, men and children 14 years and over affected by sexual assault.
Family and Domestic Violence Counselling: Offers free counselling support for women, children and men who have been impacted by family and domestic violence. In addition to a counselling and education service, the service also offers a free court support service. Home safety security upgrade program is also available for those affected by domestic and family violence.
Holistic Health Workshop: Friday (12:00pm-1:00pm). Ladies come along to relax and unwind, gold coin donation. Refer to our Facebook page for monthly schedule.
Bounce Back: Post trauma therapy program.
Fabulous Over 40: A program addressing menopause for women.
Puberty Clues: Monthly workshop for mothers/carers/guardians and daughters in Grades 5-7.
Strengthening Up and Moving On: Several workshops covering various topics to support women & relationships, managing stress feelings & emotions.
Services using the Centre include: Breast Buddies - Breast Cancer Support group (2nd Friday of each month). Mobile Women's Health Nurse provides FREE monthly pap smears/health information & support. W.I.S.E - Women's social group (last Wednesday of each month).