Be active and have your say on footpaths, shared pathways and cycleways

Gladstone Regional Council is developing an Active Transport Plan and we want you to have your say.
The Active Transport Plan will prioritise Council’s future work to improve our region’s extensive network of footpaths, shared pathways and cycleways.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said that community feedback will be crucial in determining the final order of priorities in the Plan.
“Council maintains 210km of footpaths, cycleways and shared pathways that are used by thousands of people each day,” Councillor Burnett said.
“We are always looking at ways to improve community assets and the development of an Active Transport Plan with input from the community sets out to achieve this.
“There are several ways the community can have their say including online and via pop-up stalls at various locations within the region.”
Council will open a survey regarding the Active Transport Plan from Thursday 20 June via its online Conversations platform, closing Sunday 21 July.
Hardcopy surveys will be made available at Council offices, Rural Transaction Centres and printable via the Conversations website.
Pop-up stalls will take place at following locations:
Mount Larcom
22 June at Mount Larcom Show, Mount Larcom Showgrounds, 9am-3pm.
26 June at Memorial Park Skate Park and Pump Track, 9am-11am.
Agnes Water/Seventeen Seventy
7 July at Discovery Coast Rotary Markets, SES Grounds, 8am-noon.
20 July at Thrifted Threads Market, noon-3pm.
To learn more and have your say, visit https://conversations.gladstone.qld.gov.au and click on the Active Transport Plan project.
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