Have your voice heard at upcoming community events

Do you have some questions for Council or Councillors, but not quite sure who or where to ask?
Conversations with Council is an opportunity to get to know your local Councillors and have a conversation about things that matter to you.
Originally launched in 2019, Conversations with Council is taking a different approach in 2022 by having a presence at established events across the region.
Council will have a stall at the Gladstone Harbour Festival on Thursday afternoon (14 April) between 5pm-7pm and at other upcoming events such as the Boyne Tannum HookUp and Mt Larcom Show.
Gladstone Region Councillor Rick Hansen said that residents have a wealth of information when it comes to their community and Conversations with Council is a great avenue to access that.
“A Councillor’s role is to be the voice of the community, so by starting these conversations, your Councillors can ensure your voice is being heard,” Councillor Hansen said.
“Community is at the core of Council’s business, so drop in and have a chat to let us know your thoughts and feelings.
“Conversations with Council will take place at various locations across the region, so this allows each locality to have their say on what is unique to where they live.”
Upcoming Conversations with Council dates include:
- Gladstone (Gladstone Harbour Festival) 14 April from 5pm-7pm
- Boyne Island (Boyne Tannum HookUp) 1 May from 9.30-11.30am
- Gladstone (Pride Festival) 11 June from 2.30pm-4.30pm
- Mount Larcom (Mt Larcom Show) 18 June from 2.30pm-4.30pm
- Calliope (Calliope River Markets) 3 July from 9.30am-11.30am
More dates, times and locations will be confirmed soon.
Visit https://conversations.gladstone.qld.gov.au and click on the Conversations with Council heading to stay informed about dates and locations.
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