‘Drop-in’ and have your say on the potential Agnes Water Skate Park upgrade

Gladstone Regional Council will undertake community engagement during April on the potential redesign/upgrade of the Agnes Water Skate Park.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett is inviting the community to have their say and share their ideas with us via our online survey on Conversations, or by joining us at a pop-up stall and workshop being held this month.
“We will be in the beautiful Discovery Coast, beginning tomorrow (Wednesday, 13 April) in order to seek community’s desires and preferences to help us make the best decision regarding designs for the potential upgrade,” Cr Burnett said.
Pop-Up Stall
- 10am – 12pm, Wednesday, 13 April, Agnes Water Skate Park
- 2.30pm-3.30pm, Wednesday, 20 April, Agnes Water Skate Park
Community Workshop
- 10am-12pm, Sunday, 24 April, Agnes Water Community Hall
To stay informed and receive updates on this or any of Council’s latest projects, join Conversations – a place to have your say and be heard.
Visit https://conversations.gladstone.qld.gov.au and click on the Agnes Water Skate Park heading to find out more.
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