Have your say on transport in the Gladstone Region

Gladstone Regional Council wants you to have your say on transport in the region to help develop the Gladstone Regional Council Transport Plan.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said the plan will outline the desired strategic directions and priorities for the development of the region’s Transport Network which applies to the entire Gladstone local government area.
“The plan will be a collaborative effort as it is being developed with our community, including representatives from State Government, business, and industry to prioritise and manage the transport network so that it effectively supports our community, growth and productivity,” Councillor Burnett said.
“We aim to develop a plan for our regional road network to ensure our assets are planned in a strategic, consistent and effective way.”
The community is invited to have their say on transport goals, challenges and opportunities relating to transport in the Gladstone Region on Conversations – a place to have your say and be heard.
The survey will be open until Sunday 17 April.
The final Gladstone Regional Council Transport Plan is expected to be available to the community mid-year.
Visit and click on the Gladstone Regional Council Transport Plan icon to find out more.
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