Enthusiasm evident as 2022 Gladstone Region Youth Council gathers

Members of the 2022 Youth Council had their first opportunity to meet the Mayor, Councillors, CEO, General Managers and other Council employees as they gathered at Council Chambers this week.
The 2022 Gladstone Region Youth Council is made up of 10 members, including two returning members, with appointments expiring at the end of the year.
Aaron Yea and Rommiel Malig served on the 2021 Gladstone Region Youth Council and will be joined in 2022 by Alexander Hill, Chloe Sydes, Emma Roulston, Jessica Toms, Jie Xi Zang (Jessi), Michael Vardy, Stefani Seumanu and Tayla Bullen.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said all attending Youth Council members introduced themselves and shared their passion for wanting to join the committee.
“It was fantastic to see the enthusiasm on display from both our returning Youth Council members and our new members,” Councillor Burnett said.
“Being on the Youth Council is the perfect opportunity for young people to provide input into the governance of our region.
“It also provides personal development opportunities, enhances leaderships skills and helps Council engage and connect more effectively with our young people.”
All 10 members of the 2022 Gladstone Region Youth Council were endorsed at Council’s 1 February meeting with Councillors also resolving to amend the Youth Council’s Terms of Reference.
“It was agreed that membership will be open to young people between 15 and 25 years including those that are turning 15 within the first six months of the Youth Council term,” Cr Burnett said.
“This change will align the age range of Council’s initiatives and the Queensland Government’s Youth Strategy.
“Youth Council members will participate in initiatives such as Clean Up Australia Day, Mayor’s Youth Breakfast, National Volunteer Week, Seniors Week, Mental Health Week and will help to shape Festival of Summer activities.
“I’m really looking forward to seeing our Youth Council members grow into their role and bring about positive change to the community during 2022.”
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