Call for entries to annual photography exchange Intercity Images 2022

Have you snapped any memorable images of the Gladstone Region within the past 12 months?
Don't leave them on your memory card or smartphone - enter them into the Intercity Images 2022 Gladstone Saiki Photographic Exchange.
Intercity Images is an annual cultural exchange between the citizens of the Gladstone Region and Saiki City, Japan, celebrating the unique lifestyle, people and environment of the two Sister Cities.
The call for 2022 entries is now open to local photographers of all ages and experience.
Submissions close 2pm, Saturday 5 March 2022 and all eligible entries will be displayed at the Gladstone Regional Gallery & Museum (GRAGM) from 2 April to 21 May 2022 (dates subject to change).
Gladstone Region Councillor and Saiki Sister City Advisory Committee member Desley O’Grady said 30 images will be selected by a panel of judges and sent to Saiki City for display.
“Following the Japan exhibition, the combined Saiki City and Gladstone Region photographs will be displayed at the Gladstone Regional Art Gallery & Museum in August and September for the Intercity Images 2022: Gladstone Saiki Photographic Exchange Combined Images exhibition,” Cr O’Grady said.
“We’re looking for photographers in the Gladstone Region who are able to capture the spirit of Central Queensland's lifestyle, its people and environment.”
Now in its 20th year, Intercity Images is a Gladstone Saiki Sister City Advisory Committee initiative, supported by Gladstone Regional Council.
Visit www.gragm.qld.gov.au/news to find out more information and to download an entry form.
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