Join in on the fun as National Simultaneous Storytime goes virtual

National Simultaneous Storytime, an event enjoyed by millions of children worldwide, is going virtual this year.
In 2020, National Simultaneous Storytime will celebrate its 20th year with the reading of Whitney and Britney Chicken Divas by Lucinda Gifford.
National Simultaneous Storytime is an annual event where a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, preschools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country.
Gladstone Region Deputy Mayor Kahn Goodluck said that while there will be no physical events held this year due to COVID-19, children of the Gladstone Region will still be able to join in on the fun.
“This year’s National Simultaneous Storytime will be delivered differently with a book reading to be posted on Gladstone Regional Libraries’ Facebook page at 11am on Wednesday 27 May,” Councillor Goodluck said.
“The aim of National Simultaneous Storytime is to promote the value of reading and literacy in a fun, vibrant and engaging way.”
Last year’s event saw more than 1.1 million participants at over 11,550 locations across the globe including countries such as New Zealand, Thailand, Canada, Singapore, Vietnam, Hong Kong and the United Kingdom.
View the event details for more information.
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