Community resilience shines through 12 months on from fires

Gladstone Regional Council continues to support communities recovering from bushfires that impacted the region 12 months ago.
The fires burned for weeks between November and December 2018.
Gladstone Region Mayor Matt Burnett said Council was impressed by the communities’ ability to band together and support each other through such a crisis.
“These areas demonstrated great strength during the fires and continue to do so as they work towards rebuilding and recovering,” Councillor Burnett said.
“There is still some work to be done but the progress made so far shows resilience.”
A GIVIT fund, established after the fires, received about $162,000 in donations to support affected community members across the region.
The money has been spent helping people to buy food, fuel, hire generators, replace damaged whitegoods and home items, and replace fencing, irrigation and water tanks lost in the fires.
“GIVIT has allowed local community groups to access funding to begin community projects,” Cr Burnett said.
“These groups have also received funding from the Category C Central Queensland Bushfires Flexible Funding Grants.
“Recovery is not complete for our communities but is well underway and we are seeing positive community collaboration.”
During this bushfire and storm season, Gladstone Regional Council urges residents to take the necessary precautions to be prepared.
Council’s disaster education platform RegionWatch will be re-launched soon, but for now go to for up to date information on weather warnings, road conditions, power outages and emergency bulletins.
Residents should listen to warnings and alerts from emergency services and act accordingly.
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