The biennial Mayor’s Charity Ball will be held on Saturday, May 17, 2025. Sponsorship opportunities now open.

The event brings together the community to experience a gala evening of food, wine, music and dancing, all the while fundraising for local charities.
Designed around the theme – ‘Midnight in Paris’, this year’s Mayor’s Charity Ball will be another sell out affair to remember.
The seventh biennial Mayor’s Charity Ball was held on Saturday, May 27, 2023. The sell out event raised $123,517.42 for three local beneficiaries.
Sponsorship Opportunity
Sponsorship provides the combined benefit of gaining valuable exposure within the community, whilst also supporting local charities.
If you would like to be a part of this event and help to contribute support to local charities, please contact Council for more information.
Please direct any questions relating to the 2025 Mayor’s Charity Ball to Council via phone: (07) 4972 2822 or email geccrsvp@gladstone.qld.gov.au.
Tickets Sold Out
Tickets have sold out to the 2025 Santos GLNG Mayor's Charity Ball! We had an overwhelming response - thanks for you support! If you would like to be placed on the waiting list for tickets call the GECC box office.
The charities that have been chosen to benefit from the funds raised at the event are as follows:
Communities of Gladstone Supporting Youth is a pioneering program based in regional Queensland dedicated to enhancing opportunities and outcomes for disengaged youth. Website | Facebook
Tannum Sands Life Saving Club is committed to providing a safe and enjoyable beach environment for all; through development and education to deliver lifesaving services with professionalism and compassion. Website | Facebook
Zonta Club of Gladstone raises awareness and supports local women and children through its International Woman's Day Events, Scholarships at local primary schools and CQU, Chaplaincy Programs at local high schools, Breast Cancer Cushion Workshops and, on an international level, the Birthing Kit Workshops. Website | Facebook.