Community Services Directory
Adopt-a-Grandparent Gladstone
Street Address
Contact Details
Nicole Allison
0449 826 105
0449 826 105
Senior Services
Community and Support Services
Senior Community and Support Services
Open Times
Not applicable
Days of Operation
Each Christmas
Accessible By
Whole of Community
Physical Access
Full Access (Full disabled access), Accessible Amenities (disabled toilets)
Age Range
All ages
Area Serviced
Gladstone Region
Description of service
Started in 2013 - The adopt-a-grandparent event’s aim is to remind us of the spirit of Christmas, and gives you the opportunity to give something back to our senior generation by visiting them at Christmas for a chat / cup of tea and presenting them with a personalised gift. It is different from the APN Adopt-a-Family Appeal - in that you get to know a bit about your adoptee, and see their face light up when you hand over their gift, tears can be expected! How much you spend is completely up to you (we encourage a minimum of $20), and if you would like to join up with a friend and each buy a gift for the same resident that is also encouraged as I’m sure we’ll have enough adopters to go around.