Community Services Directory
Save the Children
07 4972 6842
0427 249 725
The Dhubbeele’s Playgroup (The Little Ones) Indigenous Playgroup. The Dhubbeele’s supported Playgroup is run as Play to Learn which is a program of Save the Children Australia and is about children getting together to play and learn, as well as providing a supportive opportunity for their parents to network and connect with other local parents. The Playgroup was established to provide an inclusive space and integrate Indigenous Culture into educational experiences, such as children playing through hands on activities. Come & join us for a morning of play, stories & fun for children 0-5 years. Every Thursday in School Terms at the Child and Family Centre, 105 Toolooa St, Gladstone (10am to 12.30pm). Includes lunch. Bring: play clothes. Cost: Free. Contact Sue Norwood 0427 249 725.