Community Services Directory
Police Stations - Greater Gladstone Region
07 4971 3222
Police Stations - Greater Gladstone Region stations hours depend on availability of officers. If the Officers are called out, the station may be closed despite listed hours. If you want an appointment it is always best to call in advance.
Agnes Water Station
Phone: 4899 4000
10 Springs Rd
Agnes Water, Qld 4677
Station Hours: Monday - Friday, 9am - 3pm
Calliope Station
Phone: 4975 4000
17 Bloomfield St
Calliope Qld 4680
Station Hours: Varies - call to confirm
Gladstone Station
Phone: 4971 3222
10-12 Yarroon St
Gladstone Qld 4680
Station Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm
Thur Night & Sat/Sun – call to confirm
Many Peaks Station
Phone: 4974 1187
2 Morgan St, Many Peaks Qld 4680
Station Hours: Varies - call to confirm
Miriam Vale Station
Phone: 4974 6000
31 Roe St, Miriam Vale Qld 4677
Station Hours: Mon 9am - 12noon,
Tues, Wed & Thur 9am - 3pm
Mount Larcom Station
Phone: 4899 4044
14 Gladstone St
Mount Larcom Qld 4695
Station Hours: Wed 9am - 12pm
Last Wed of the month 2pm – 6pm
Rosedale Station
Phone: 4153 8636
14 McPherson St, Rosedale 4674
Station Hours: Wednesday 9am - 12pm
Tannum Sands Station
Phone: 4979 9444
3 Steel St
Tannum Sands Qld 4680
Station Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 4pm
Anytime you would like to report a non-urgent crime or incident, or for general police enquiries, phone Policelink on 131 444. If the crime is happening now, life threatening or there is a likelihood of the suspected offenders in the area, call 000 immediately.