Community Services Directory
Just Rock Gladstone
Our rock n roll dance club was formed in 2002. We dance two rock n roll styles, 4-step and rockabilly. Everyone is welcome to come along and join in including beginners and those who already dance. It's all about fun and friendship.
Dance lessons are held on Wednesday nights at the Gladstone Bowls Club, 7A Ferris st, Gladstone. Beginners lessons are hel 4 times per year over a 6 week period. The typical evening consists of learning new moves and revision of moves, catering for differing levels of experience.
The last Wednesday of the month, February through to November, is a social night (no lessons on thiws night) so dress up and join us to rock the night away. All new Beginners are an integral part of our club. Lessons are $5.00 per person per evening or $4.00vfor members. Beginners are encouraged to stay on after their lesson and practice what they have learned while the intermediate class does revision. For beginners we recommend learning one style initially and mastering that before attempting the second style. It takes a considerable time frame along with a lot of practice to become competent. "Pat Rafter didn't become an Ace player overnight."
Newcomers are always welcomed. We understand that you may have learned a different style to the ones we teach and you are most welcome to adapt them to suit yourself outside of lessons. 4-step and rockabilly are distinct and different rock'n'roll styles and both are fun. Each and every member continues to learn and that's what makes it so much fun.
You may apply to join our club by filling out a membership form and paying an annual membership of $25 per person. Members then pay $4 per session and have a club name tag with their membership number. Raffle tickets are also available at the door.
Our club organises several dances a year with live rock n roll bands. Check out the Dances & Events page for dates, on our Web site or our Facebook page. So come along and join us for fantastic nights of 1950's,1960's rock n roll music and dancing.