Baffle Creek, Deepwater and Rules Beach
- The median age in Baffle Creek, Deepwater and Rules Beach has increased slightly when looking at combined data. There are differences at a suburb level, between 2016 and 2021. Median age increased from 56 to 57 for Baffle Creek, while for Deepwater it increased 55 to 57. Rules Beach saw the largest increase from 53 to 60.
- The median age for this area is significantly higher than the Gladstone Region, with a difference of 20 years.
- The areas of Baffle Creek, Deepwater and Rules Beach have significantly lower cultural diversity than the Gladstone Region and the State, with no community members from non-English speaking backgrounds.
- The towns of Baffle Creek, Deepwater and Rules Beach have an increasing proportion of couples without children, which is significantly higher than the region and more than double the State.
- Average data for all areas shows a significantly lower household income when compared to the region and the State.
Compared to the Gladstone Region and Queensland, the towns of Baffle Creek, Deepwater and Rules beach has:
Data focus |
Baffle Creek, Deepwater and Rules Beach |
Gladstone Region |
Queensland |
2021 |
2016 |
Change 2021- 2016 |
2021 |
2021 |
Median age |
58 |
55 |
5.45% |
38 |
38 |
Non English-Speaking Backgrounds |
0% |
0% |
0% |
5% |
12.6% |
Couple Family with children |
21.40% |
25.90% |
-17.37% |
41.7% |
55.4% |
Couple Family without children |
61.0% |
58.10% |
4.9% |
40.5% |
28.0% |
Average number of people per household |
2 |
1.9 |
5.26% |
2.5 |
2.5 |
Household with a mortgage |
27.90% |
31.70% |
-11.99% |
37.0% |
34.4% |
Households renting |
5.00% |
6.80% |
-26.47% |
33.4% |
33.0% |
Median weekly household income |
$859 |
$729 |
17.83% |
$1,639 |
$1,675 |
Median monthly mortgage repayments |
$1,121 |
$1,045 |
7.27% |
$1,600 |
$1,733 |
Median weekly rent (overall) |
$191 |
$109 |
75.23% |
$275 |
$365 |
University attendance |
3% |
7.70% |
-61.04% |
7.2% |
14.2% |
The data table above has been created using three suburb level data sets. While there are clear trends across the combined data sets these are pronounced or less pronounced at a suburb level. These differences will be highlighted when significant.