Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail
Project Overview
At Council Meetings on 20 March 2018 and 3 July 2018, Council resolved to partner with North Burnett Regional Council and apply for a fully funded feasibility study for a Reids Creek (Gayndah) to Taragoola (Calliope) Rail Trail. 100% funding was received from the Department of Transport and Main Roads under the Rail Trail Local Government (RTLGG) program. Gladstone Regional Council (in partnership with North Burnett Regional Council) commissioned Mike Halliburton Associates to undertake the feasibility study.
During the project, an Interim Report was submitted which recommended three smaller trails be further investigated for the final Feasibility Study rather than the entire trail. These trails were:
- Awoonga Lake Rail Trail
- Kalpowar Tunnels Rail Trail
- Burnett River Bridges Rail Trail
Two of the three trails are within the Gladstone Region area, those being, the Awoonga Lake Rail Trail and the Kalpower Tunnels Rail Trail.
The Awoonga Lake Rail Trail
- Futters Creek Bridge to Ubobo (refer map below)
- 36.28km long
- Contains several significant bridges
- Passes alongside Lake Awoonga and associated wetlands
- Provides outstanding views of the surrounding landscape
The Kalpowar Tunnels Rail Trail
- Builyan to Kalpowar (refer map below)
- 31.2km long
- Contains 6 tunnels and several significant bridges and sidings
- Provides outstanding views and has a village at either end
Council at its 19 March 2019 General Meeting resolved to:
- Note the Boyne Burnett Inland Rail Trail Feasibility Study, March 2019 prepared by Mike Halliburton Associates.
- Allocate sufficient staff and budget resources in the 2019/2020 Operational Plan to continue with items 3 through to 7 below.
- Undertakes Community Engagement with the broader community, adjoining landholders and key stakeholders.
- Applies for 100% funding from DTMR for the detailed design development plan for both sections as recommended within the Gladstone Region.
- Negotiate with DTMR/GAWB/BBIRT in relation to undertaking the on-going maintenance and ownership.
- Seek commitment from GAWB in relation to development of the Rail Trail on their land.
- Advocate for external funding.
Awoonga lake rail trail
Kalpower tunnels rail trail